Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Harvest Pumpkin Masque from Revelations From Within

Youthful skin is nice to accompany a healthy body. A product I recommend to reduce fine-lines and wrinkles is the "Harvest Pumpkin Masque" from the "Revelations From Within" product-line from Healing Haven Massage and Wellness.

The orange color from the pumpkin is the Vitamin-A which helps increase the deposition of collagen and elastin giving the skin a supple youthful look which decreases wrinkles and fine lines. This facial masque contains a decent amount of alpha dydroxyl acid which has been shown to promote smoother, younger skin by increasing the rate of cell renewal. Pumpkin in general is rich in antioxidants and enzymes that act like alpha hydroxyl acids. Pumpkin contains more than 100 beneficial nutrients, which is used to help reverse the signs of aging.

Lisa Z of Healing Haven Massage and Wellness was inspired to make the "Harvest Pumpkin Masque" because a lot of her clients were asking her about what they could do for discolorations in their skin, darks spots, age spots, uneven color, melasma, and hyperpigmentation. She discovered that the hydroxyl acid in pumpkin directly benefits the skin causing the skin to become brighter, lighter, and more evenly toned. An added benefit she noticed from using the masque is that the skin has a more supple and youthful appearance. Her entire product line was born from a passion of self care using only pure and natural organic ingredients. All of her products are free from chemicals and harsh additives and is blessed during production and upon completion.

Recommend: Yes

I have used the Healing Pumpkin Masque on a regular basis and noticed the improved look and smoothness to my skin. I definitely recommend this product.

To order call Lisa Z at 832-577-3998 and please mention that "Ray Roane," me, recommended you to this product.  Thank you.

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