Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Cloned Meat?

There has been a lot of experimentation with cloning meat.  This quickly brings up a lot of questions: is it ethical?  Is it safe?

Before it hits the store shelves we really only have so much information about this topic.

Randall Lutter of the FDA states, "The milk and meat for cattle, swine and goat clones are as safe to eat as the food we eat every day."  To be honest, that really doesn't say too much.

There is a company called "Memphis Meats" that is working on bringing cloned meat into the homes of everyday people.  Tyson has invested large sums of money into this company.  They believe the use of cloned meat will decrease the cruelty towards animals and can potentially be used to feed poverty-stricken populations.

They state on their website:
"At Memphis Meats, our mission is to bring delicious and healthy meat to your table by harvesting it from cells instead of animals. You can enjoy the meat you love today and feel good about how it’s made because we strive to make it better for you…and for the world."

Some people fear that cloning is "playing God," while others have no ethical reasons against it and believe that it will increase the ethical treatment towards animals as wells as decrease the mass slaughter.  What will be the chemical makeup of these meats?  I do not know.

When it comes down to cloned meats, only time will tell.  Will you try it?