Friday, October 27, 2017

Elderly, Senile or Sensei?

There has been a change on how elderly people are portrayed and viewed in many dominant places around the world.  When a majority of people today think of an elderly person they think of: "senile, loony, medicated, handicap, weak, sick, decrepit," so on and so on.  It, however, used to be common thought that an elderly person was more likely to be: "wise, strong, smart, skillful, masters, sensei," etc..  What is it that has caused such a widespread shift in thinking? 

Part of the problem is that the mainstream media and culture often depicts the elderly as weak, senile and sickly.  Only occasionally will you see otherwise.  Children see this and recognize it to be a common thing which is engraved in their minds potentially leading to a certain level of lack of respect towards their elders.  The other large part of it is that many many elderly people, especially in America, ARE very weak, senile and sickly.  Why is this?

Part of it is: lifestyle.  The average American lives in a way that slowly kills them with themselves feeding on unnatural foods, taking in toxins that damage the brain, living lazily, living lavishly and sloppily, excessive pharmaceutical medications and unneeded shots/vaccinations, overall not taking well-enough care of their bodies which becomes evident in the later years of life.  In America obesity is actually more of an epidemic than starvation!  Some ailments within certain people are unavoidable, but numerous problems are unknowingly self-induced by lifestyle choice.

Some of the most skilled Martial Artists in Japan are well-aged, yet are revered and respected as masters and champion-fighters often defeating the younger trained fighters.  Some people live long strong healthy lifestyles until the day that they die, however, this has become a less common thing in comfortable modern society.  This can be changed in part by a change in lifestyle such as eating healthy, exercising properly, using primarily natural medicines rather than doping up day after day on dozens of pills that are often "treating" conditions that are caused by the other pills, etc.

Take a look at some of these elderly Body Builders who can outrun, and out-lift, many youngsters today.

Year 2009, an 85 year old body building instructor, the Grand Master: 

Year 2007, a 71 year old body builder, Jim Shaffer (still building at 78): 

Year 2011, a 76 year old natural body builder, Paul Stone:

Year 2009, a 74 year old body builder, Japan's Monster Man: 

Those are a few of many examples that show you that age does not define your limits.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Sugar Scrubs

When it comes to dieting, sugar is known to have a number of negative effects on the body, however, using it on your skin has a number of benefits!  An effective way to incorporate sugar to your skin is by using an all-natural Sugar Scrub which hydrates your skin by drawing in moisture.  Make sure to check the ingredient-list to assure that the Sugar Scrub of your choosing does not contain chemicals, additives, or unnatural ingredients that may be harmful to the skin.  

Sugar is a source of Glycolic Acid which is often used for treating your aging or sun-damaged skin.  Sugar Scrubs exfoliate the outer layer of skin removing cells of old and dead skin.  It does this by assisting with cell-turnover and helps to regenerate skin which in turn creates new younger-looking skin.  Sugar Scrubs are a gentle type of scrub that leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth best used on the face, in comparison to Salt Scrubs which are more rough and better used for deep exfoliation upon the body.  When using Sugar Scrubs, Brown Sugar is the most gentle type of sugar used and is best for the face while Raw Sugar is more coarse and better suited for the body.  Try applying a Sugar Scrub to your face just a couple times a week to feel renewed and more youthful, and a Salt Scrub to your body for deeper exfoliation.

My favorite source of Sugar Scrubs can be found in the "Revelations From Within" product line from Healing Haven Massage and Wellness:
(832) 577-3998 (When you call/order I ask that you let them know that Ray recommended these products to you, thank you!)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit is the fruit of multiple "cactus" species that are originally native to Mexico.

There are 3 main types of Dragon Fruit:
-White-Fleshed Pitahaya: Pink-skinned fruit with white flesh (the most commonly seen dragon fruit.)
-Red-Fleshed Pitahaya: Red-skinned fruit with red flesh.
-Yellow Pitahaya: Yellow-skinned fruit with white flesh.

Dragon Fruits are a sweet treat that are low in calories and rich in antioxidants and other nutrients.  They are easy to consume when you cut them in half and eat the inside with a spoon.  The texture is similar to kiwi because of the little seeds.  The seeds have a nutty taste and are rich in lipids.  The flowers of the plant can also be eaten or made into tea.  I love refrigerate Dragon Fruit and eat it when it is cool.  It is a very refreshing treat. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Harvest Pumpkin Masque from Revelations From Within

Youthful skin is nice to accompany a healthy body. A product I recommend to reduce fine-lines and wrinkles is the "Harvest Pumpkin Masque" from the "Revelations From Within" product-line from Healing Haven Massage and Wellness.

The orange color from the pumpkin is the Vitamin-A which helps increase the deposition of collagen and elastin giving the skin a supple youthful look which decreases wrinkles and fine lines. This facial masque contains a decent amount of alpha dydroxyl acid which has been shown to promote smoother, younger skin by increasing the rate of cell renewal. Pumpkin in general is rich in antioxidants and enzymes that act like alpha hydroxyl acids. Pumpkin contains more than 100 beneficial nutrients, which is used to help reverse the signs of aging.

Lisa Z of Healing Haven Massage and Wellness was inspired to make the "Harvest Pumpkin Masque" because a lot of her clients were asking her about what they could do for discolorations in their skin, darks spots, age spots, uneven color, melasma, and hyperpigmentation. She discovered that the hydroxyl acid in pumpkin directly benefits the skin causing the skin to become brighter, lighter, and more evenly toned. An added benefit she noticed from using the masque is that the skin has a more supple and youthful appearance. Her entire product line was born from a passion of self care using only pure and natural organic ingredients. All of her products are free from chemicals and harsh additives and is blessed during production and upon completion.

Recommend: Yes

I have used the Healing Pumpkin Masque on a regular basis and noticed the improved look and smoothness to my skin. I definitely recommend this product.

To order call Lisa Z at 832-577-3998 and please mention that "Ray Roane," me, recommended you to this product.  Thank you.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Daily Grams of Sugar

The many dangers of consuming excess sugar are well know, but how much sugar is too much?

"The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends limiting the amount of added sugars you consume to no more than half of your daily discretionary calories allowance.  For most American women, that’s no more than 100 calories per day, or about 6 teaspoons of sugar. For men, it’s 150 calories per day, or about 9 teaspoons. The AHA recommendations focus on all added sugars..." (

There are many couples/friends that diet together and are each other's support group.  I would suggest a flat limit of added sugars to be around 6 teaspoons (about 20 to 24 grams/approximately 96 calories, 20 grams if being strict) for each person unless that person has derived a more precise number by calculating their "daily discretionary calories allowance" in which I would agree with the American Heart Association (AHA) that the ideal limit should be no more than half of that number.  Either way, I would set 20 or 24 grams as the absolute maximum unless half of the "daily discretionary calorie allowance" calculation gives a lower number than that; in that case I would suggest the lower amount.  Less sugar equates to better health.

Not all sugars are the same though (Cane Sugar, Brown Sugar, Honey, Agave, Fructose, Lactose, etc.).  Honey for example has many health benefits compared to white sugar which only has a few in its raw state, and near none when processed.  I recommend avoiding "Processed White Sugar," which is most often just labeled as "sugar," and also "High-Fructose Corn Syrup" all together!  They have little to no benefits at all.  Ideally it is best to aim for a diet with no added sugar, or very minimal.  Even if you do try to cut out sugar from your diet almost completely, do consider though that certain health foods and products with tiny amounts of added sugar may overall have enough benefits to consider using them at their recommended serving amount.  It is important to weight the pros and the cons of a product, especially when trying to live a healthy lifestyle.  Being too extreme may cause more issues than benefits.

Also I would note that some fruits, while having high amounts of vitamins, also contain large amounts of natural sugar.  I suggest making sure that you are consuming a larger quantity of vegetables over fruits in general and tracking the amount of sugar in the fruit you are eating, but your MAIN concern is "added sugars," not so much the naturally occurring sugar that is found in fruits.  Because many fruits contain high amounts of sugar, eating them in their "whole form" rather than dried is best.  That way your stomach feels more full and you are tempted to eat less.  For example: limit raisins, go for grapes.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Lipo Massage Therapy and Lipo Cream

Lipo-Massage Therapy combined with the hand-crafted Body Glory Sculpting Cream (Lipo Cream) gives maximum benefit towards your body's appearance. This specialty combination treatment is available at Healing Haven Massage and Wellness. The Lipo-Massage is done by hand only by trained licensed massage therapists. This massage treatment relieves and drains your body of impurities that cause unwanted fat and blemishes. The Body Glory Sculpting Cream will help to rid your body of toxins and unwanted fat-storage giving you a smoother, firmer, and more toned look to your skin. Healing Haven Massage and Wellness offers a wide variety of massages and options to set up an experience customized around your needs.  Body Glory Sculpting Cream is infused with natural and organic ingredients that will give your skin a tighter and smoother look and it has a clean light grapefruit scent.

Healing Haven’s product-line, Revelations From Within, was born from a passion of self-care with only pure and natural ingredients.  All of these products are free from chemicals or harsh additives and are blessed upon completion.  Each product has a positive message written/inscribed upon it. The healing hands of Lisa Z from Healing Haven can help you sculpt your body without having to go through invasive surgeries; that is the special thing about Lipo-Massage.

Alternatively you can purchase the Body Scuplting Cream and use it for yourself on troublesome areas of the body.  I have discovered it to be a great product with noticeable results quickly in the chest area.

To order call Lisa Z at 832-577-3998 and please mention that "Ray Roane" (that's me) recommended you to this service. Thank you, and enjoy.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Earthing, A Walk on the Beach/Grass

Wearing shoes is a protection for our feet that saves us from stepping on dangerous and unpleasant things.  After a while, however, our feet can begin to feel very cramped inside those things.  Your feet need air and to relax which increases blood-circulation.  Walking barefoot on natural terrain, also known as "earthing," helps to keep tissues, veins, arteries and nerves healthy and supplied with the nutrients they need.

Studies mentioned in the "Journal of Environmental and Public Health" speak of health benefits of regularly walking barefoot in safe areas such as in a yard, a beach, an area of soft dirt, etc.  Stay away from hot ground or concrete though, because skipping out on shoes is not worth a burn.  Our planet has a natural charge of electrons that are good for our bodies to have direct contact with.  Walking barefoot on soft soil, sand, and grass can stimulate Reflexology Points which in turn can help vital areas in the body.  Sore feet can begin to heal and feel relieved simply by removing your shoes on a safe/comfortable piece of land.  Feet naturally sweat.  Letting them air out decreases the chance of fungal infections by reducing bacteria and can also decrease bad odor.

The "Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine" had published an investigation that shows "earthing" increases the charge of red blood cells helping the cells to avoid clumping, decreasing decreases blood viscosity. Too high of blood viscosity is a known factor in heart disease.  Another study within the same journal concluded that "earthing" may help regulate the body's nervous system.

Your tendons and muscles usually have a restricted range of motion because of shoes, but you receive that needed exercise when walking without those shoes.  Walking barefoot often shows to increase flexibility and strength in feet making them less prone to damage and even improve balance.  So make some time for it!  If you have a safe yard then I suggest you and your children to go and play outside without your shoes and have a little fun.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Massage Therapy Benefits

For millenniums the art of Massage has been practiced for relaxation and various other uses.  There are numerous health-related benefits to getting regular massages such as reduction of pain, reduced tension, improve blood flow, and a deep state of relaxation.  There are a wide variety of massage techniques and styles to suit diverse types of people pending on their needs.  Some massage sessions are gentle and calm, while others are more intense at a higher pace.  Massage Therapy can do a variety of things including improving blood flow, relieving pressure on nerves, reduce muscle tension, energize your body, relieve knots, and restore joint movement.

An effective way to ensure the quality of a massage is to visit a legitimate Certified Massage Therapist for your sessions.  “Certification by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) ensures that your massage therapist has a certain level of training and uses certain practice guidelines.” ~WebMD

Some types of Massage Therapy are:
Swedish Massage
Neuromuscular Therapy Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Sports Massage
Chair Massage
Shiatsu Massage
Thai Massage
Hot Stone Massage
Pregnancy Massage
Lomi-Lomi Massage
Reiki Massage

A Massage Therapy clinic I trust and recommend is "Healing Haven Massage and Wellness" which offers a wide variety of Massage Therapies, Organic Products, Wellness Coaching as well as other services:
Book appointments by phone at: (832) 577-3998 (When you call, I ask that you please let them know that Ray Roane sent you, thank you.)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Coconut Oil, Good or Bad?

There is a lot of hype over Coconut Oil and for good reason.  It is a source of antioxidants which can help reduce the risk of certain diseases, but also contains fats.  You have probably heard the saying, "not all fats are created equal."  Coconut Oil is primarily a saturated fat, in fact around 84% of its calories come from Saturated Fat --- which could be a concern considered if eating it.  However, there is more to it than that...

"Coconut oil’s saturated fat is made up mostly of Medium-Chain Triglycerides, or MCTs. Some people say your body handles them differently than the longer-chain fats in liquid vegetable oils, dairy, and fatty meats... Fans of coconut oil point to studies that suggest the MCT-saturated fat in coconut could boost your HDL or 'good' cholesterol. This, they claim, makes it less bad for your heart health than the saturated fat in animal-based foods like cheese and steak or products containing trans fats. But it also raises your LDL 'bad' cholesterol." ~WebMD

As far as heart-health, Coconut Oil consumed in moderation based on daily recommended amount seems to either have a neutral effect on the heart because of the balance of good(HDL) and bad(LDL) cholesterols, or a positive effect based on the results of a variety of conducted studies due to the Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs).  Do keep in mind that Coconut Oil is a Saturated Fat when implementing it into your diet and should be limited in oral consumption based on the amount of healthy fats you allow in your diet.  People groups in regions such as Sri Lanka and Polynesia eat large amounts of coconut products daily and do not have high rates of heart disease.

Also consider that not all Coconut Oils are the same, and some are far better than others.  To get a good source of Coconut Oil read the label and look for key-words such as "organic," "virgin," "cold-pressed," and "unrefined," all of which you want to see on the label.  The best brands of quality Organic Coconut Oil are usually sealed in glass jars costing a bit more than the cheap stuff.  Generally the studies that make the claim that Coconut Oil is bad for the heart point out that Coconut Oil is a Saturated Fat and do not look much farther past that point --- ignoring many additional factors and bits of information such as the MCTs and often equate all quality of Coconut Oils the same.  The majority of these studies I've seen lack the information of if they were done on cheap "processed/refined Coconut Oil" or "Organic Virgin Unrefined Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil," which can effect the results of many types of studies.

While registered dietitian Lisa Young, PhD, does suggest using cholesterol-free Coconut Oil to replace butter or lard when cooking or baking, she does say, "you should get most of your fat from unsaturated sources including olive oil, avocado, and nuts." ~WebMD

Coconut Oil is often used to treat/help with a variety of issues including thyroid problems, protect against certain illnesses, arthritis, diabetes, assists in weight loss when used properly, and helps to counter aging effects as well as Alzheimer’s Disease according to numerous testimonies.  It can also be used in making a variety of products including toothpaste, lotions and hair conditioner.  Overall Coconut Oil has a long list of benefits and uses for your health and well-being.