Sunday, October 15, 2017

Earthing, A Walk on the Beach/Grass

Wearing shoes is a protection for our feet that saves us from stepping on dangerous and unpleasant things.  After a while, however, our feet can begin to feel very cramped inside those things.  Your feet need air and to relax which increases blood-circulation.  Walking barefoot on natural terrain, also known as "earthing," helps to keep tissues, veins, arteries and nerves healthy and supplied with the nutrients they need.

Studies mentioned in the "Journal of Environmental and Public Health" speak of health benefits of regularly walking barefoot in safe areas such as in a yard, a beach, an area of soft dirt, etc.  Stay away from hot ground or concrete though, because skipping out on shoes is not worth a burn.  Our planet has a natural charge of electrons that are good for our bodies to have direct contact with.  Walking barefoot on soft soil, sand, and grass can stimulate Reflexology Points which in turn can help vital areas in the body.  Sore feet can begin to heal and feel relieved simply by removing your shoes on a safe/comfortable piece of land.  Feet naturally sweat.  Letting them air out decreases the chance of fungal infections by reducing bacteria and can also decrease bad odor.

The "Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine" had published an investigation that shows "earthing" increases the charge of red blood cells helping the cells to avoid clumping, decreasing decreases blood viscosity. Too high of blood viscosity is a known factor in heart disease.  Another study within the same journal concluded that "earthing" may help regulate the body's nervous system.

Your tendons and muscles usually have a restricted range of motion because of shoes, but you receive that needed exercise when walking without those shoes.  Walking barefoot often shows to increase flexibility and strength in feet making them less prone to damage and even improve balance.  So make some time for it!  If you have a safe yard then I suggest you and your children to go and play outside without your shoes and have a little fun.

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