Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Vegan Proteins Are Abundant!

Your body uses protein for your muscles, bones, and other parts of your body, and the amount of protein needed changes with your age.  According to the Institute of Medicine you should get between 10% and 35% of your daily calories from protein, not more or less.
--- Babies need around 10 grams of protein per day
--- Children need around 19 to 34 grams of protein per day
--- Teenagers need around 46 to 52 grams of protein per day
--- Adult males need around 56 grams of protein per day
--- Adult women need around 46 grams of protein per day, but around 71 grams a day if pregnant or breastfeeding.

There is a myth that suggests without meat in your diet you do not get enough protein.  This is false as long as you eat a protein-rich diet.  Anyone who claims your body requires meat for protein knows very little about nutrition.  Many vegetables, legumes, nuts, grains and even some fruits contain large amounts of protein.  Meat is not at all, not even a single bit necessary for protein.  Let's look at some protein-rich foods in a vegan diet (these are just a handful.  There are many many more):

14-20 grams of protein per cup
They are also rich in protein and nutrients that benefit your heart, brain and muscles.  They digest slowly, helping you feel fuller longer.

18 grams of protein per cup
One cup has the protein of approximately three eggs, with less than one gram of fat. Their high fiber content makes them extremely satiating, and studies have shown that they speed fat loss. Spanish researchers found that people whose diets included four weekly servings of legumes lost more weight and improved their cholesterol more than people who didn’t.

14.6 grams of protein per cup

Banza Pasta
14 grams of protein for 2 ounces
This pasta is made with chickpeas.  It has double the protein and half the carbs of traditional noodles along with 8 grams of fiber and 30% of your iron RDA per serving.

Shelled Pumpkin Seeds
9 grams of protein per ounce
They contain energy-boosting magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.

8 grams of protein per cup
They also contain nearly all of your daily value of vitamin C in a one cup.  They will assist with your immune system.

8 grams of protein per cup

Peanut Butter
7 grams of protein per 2 Tablespoons (3.5 grams of protein per Tablespoon)
It is best to make your own peanut butter and limit the amount of sugar, but healthy natural brands of peanut butter are also available in stores.

6 grams of protein per ounce

Sun-Dried Tomatoes
6 grams of protein per cup
Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, an antioxidant which studies show can decrease your risk of bladder, lung, prostate, skin, and stomach cancers, and reduce your chances of developing coronary artery disease. They’re also rich in fiber and contain ¾ of your RDA of potassium, which is essential for heart health and tissue repair.

5 grams of protein per cup

5 grams of protein per ounce
These are also a good source of magnesium which helps your body relieve constipation, boosts the immune system and supports cognitive function—and biotin, which helps keep your hair and nails healthy.

4.2 grams of protein per medium-sized vegetable

4.2 grams of protein per cup
It also contains 9 grams of fiber, only 112 calories, and 600% of your DV of Vitamin C per cup — the equivalent of more than seven medium oranges

1.1 grams of protein per Tablespoon

Vegan Protein Powder
Most vegan protein powders are exceedingly healthy and many of them are used as a meal replacement.  The amount of protein varies in these powders.  Make sure to check the ingredient lists before trying a vegan protein powder to assure it contains the right amount of protein without excess sugars or junk.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Preventing Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be a terrifying thought, especially for men, and once you have had a kidney stone the chances of getting another has increased.

Common causes of kidney stones are too much calcium and/or animal protein in your diet as well as not enough water.  As you get older the risk of getting kidney stones increases.  Some diet plans, such a the Ketogenic Diet which consume large amounts of fats and animal proteins, also increase your risk of getting kidney stones.  Kidney stones have been one of the most common adverse effects of the Ketogenic and similar diets for ages.  One of the best solutions to avoid kidney stones is to drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet with limited animal proteins.  According to WebMD, an increase in fiber and increase in citrate as found in natural lemon juice/lemonade decreases the risk of developing kidney stones.  In addition vitamins are great, but try not to exceed the daily recommended amount of Vitamin D and Calcium if you are prone to kidney stones.

Preventing Kidney Stones with Essential Oils.

Certain Essential Oils can help to aid with the prevention and even potentially break down Kidney Stones.  Be cautious, however, when orally consuming Essential Oils, not all Essential Oils are meant for oral consumption, and just because an oil is labeled as: "Therapeutic-Grade" doesn't necessarily mean that it is pure.  Some Essential Oils contain dangerous additives and/or may not be properly distilled.  Make sure that the Essential Oil is not only Therapeutic Grade, but also from a trusted source.  Also I warn not exceed a specified amount of Essential Oils as indicated from a trusted source or doctor.  Essential Oils are great for medicinal use, but there have been cases of people overdosing and having bad reactions from not using Essential Oils safely and properly.

-Therapeutic-Grade Citrus Essential Oils: Add 2 drops of Lemon, Lime, Wild Orange, 
or Grapefruit Essential Oil to your water twice a day and drink.
-Therapeutic-Grade Helichrysum Essential Oil: Rub 2 drops of Helichrysum Essential Oil on lower abdomen twice a day.

The best and most trusted sources I've found for the purity of Essential Oils are Young Living and Doterra.  For more information email me at: KiProductsOnline@yahoo.com

(Required legal note: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.")

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Daily Recommended Salt/Sodium

We know that too much salt is bad for us and is linked to high blood pressure and heart-related problems, but how much salt is too much?

A person should not cut out salt completely since a certain level of sodium is beneficial for the body.  The Basic U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend for adults to get less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day, which is a lot of salt to many.  WebMD tells us that the "huge majority [of people] should get less than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day."  In small amounts natural unprocessed salts can have some benefits because of the minerals that are contained in the salt, but beyond 1,500 milligrams is a lot of salt for an average body to process.  This is especially true if the person has high blood pressure or heart-related issues.  Once salt is processed and stripped of the minerals it becomes even worse for your body than it already is; I recommend avoiding processed salt completely.

The best forms of salt are "Celtic Sea Salt" and "Himalayan Pink Mountain Salt" which contain many naturally occurring minerals--- "Himalayan Pink Mountain Salt" being the best.  A product containing "processed salt" will usually just label their processed salt as "salt."  Natural forms of salt/sodium in moderation is not a bad thing at all; it can actually be a good thing.  The problem is most people consume too much salt as well as refined, stripped, and processed salts.  I recommend for the average person to aim towards 1,500 milligrams of natural sodium per day, without actually reaching that amount or going over that amount.  Anything too much lower than that amount though may become a deficiency.  If a person does have a sodium deficiency I recommend aiming to the higher amount as recommended by the Basic U.S. Dietary Guidelines: 2,300 milligrams as the maximum aimed goal.

Are Essential Oils Safe to Ingest?

There is much talk over if it is safe to ingest Essential Oils and my answer is: some Essential Oils are safe to ingest if used correctly.  Essential Oils have been used for ages to aid with many issues within the body, but when ingested they should be treated like a medicine rather than some sort of treat.  Many people have found success and have been relieved of various ailments through ingesting Essential Oils, so we know that there is a right way to ingest them safely.

First, make sure to use the Essential Oils properly as they are intended to be used and if ingested to correctly dilute them; do not drink them straight.  Not every single Essential Oil, even of the highest grade, is safe to ingest; know which ones those are.  Make sure that if you are ingesting the "safe to ingest" Essential Oils that you are taking advice from somebody you can trust on the subject--- such as a trustworthy and trained Essential Oil provider, or a trusted Holistic Doctor like Dr. Josh Axe.

"Ingestion – Essential oils can be used as a powerful form of medicine but it should be remembered that again, essential oils are powerful. Most essential oils are safe for internal use but a little bit goes a long way. Usually 1-3 drops is plenty mixed with water.
Oils like peppermint, lemon and frankincense have great internal benefits and can be taken with water. Other essential oils like clove and oregano need to be diluted and shouldn’t be taken internally for more than 1 week." ~Dr. Josh Axe

Second, assure that the Essential Oils you are using are of high quality.  "Therapeutic-Grade" is a must, but not all Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils are good because of the small amount of regulations that it takes to be categorized as Therapeutic-Grade.  That means you have to find a company you trust.  I have had to switch companies a few times because I noticed a lack of quality in the "Therapeutic-Grade" Essential Oils I was buying, and I was not happy.  The two companies far at the top of my list came down to Young Living and DoTerra.

Third, test how the Essential Oils affect you.  Start with a drop of an Essential Oil (one that is meant to be ingested) in a bottle of water or recommended drink before using a higher amount.  See how each "recommended to ingest" Essential Oil affects you personally.  What is right for your body might not be right for the next person's body, so keep that in mind.

(Required legal note: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.")