There has been a change on how elderly people are portrayed and viewed in many dominant places around the world. When a majority of people today think of an elderly person they think of: "senile, loony, medicated, handicap, weak, sick, decrepit," so on and so on. It, however, used to be common thought that an elderly person was more likely to be: "wise, strong, smart, skillful, masters, sensei," etc.. What is it that has caused such a widespread shift in thinking?
Part of the problem is that the mainstream media and culture often depicts the elderly as weak, senile and sickly. Only occasionally will you see otherwise. Children see this and recognize it to be a common thing which is engraved in their minds potentially leading to a certain level of lack of respect towards their elders. The other large part of it is that many many elderly people, especially in America, ARE very weak, senile and sickly. Why is this?
Part of it is: lifestyle. The average American lives in a way that slowly kills them with themselves feeding on unnatural foods, taking in toxins that damage the brain, living lazily, living lavishly and sloppily, excessive pharmaceutical medications and unneeded shots/vaccinations, overall not taking well-enough care of their bodies which becomes evident in the later years of life. In America obesity is actually more of an epidemic than starvation! Some ailments within certain people are unavoidable, but numerous problems are unknowingly self-induced by lifestyle choice.
Some of the most skilled Martial Artists in Japan are well-aged, yet are revered and respected as masters and champion-fighters often defeating the younger trained fighters. Some people live long strong healthy lifestyles until the day that they die, however, this has become a less common thing in comfortable modern society. This can be changed in part by a change in lifestyle such as eating healthy, exercising properly, using primarily natural medicines rather than doping up day after day on dozens of pills that are often "treating" conditions that are caused by the other pills, etc.
Take a look at some of these elderly Body Builders who can outrun, and out-lift, many youngsters today.
Year 2009, an 85 year old body building instructor, the Grand Master:
Year 2007, a 71 year old body builder, Jim Shaffer (still building at 78):
Year 2011, a 76 year old natural body builder, Paul Stone:
Year 2009, a 74 year old body builder, Japan's Monster Man:
Those are a few of many examples that show you that age does not define your limits.